Thursday 30 April 2015

Product Analysis

I bought a packet of RJ's Licorice (Raspberry Chocolate Twists, YUM!) when I went to Countdown to get my groceries. Most of the RJ's Licorice packets were silver, black, and one bold colour that helped portray what product the packaging contained.

The brand seemed very proud to be made in New Zealand. I liked how they had made a map of New Zealand out of the product in the packaging.

I didn't realise from my internet research of the brand, but they actually have drawn figures/characters on the back that represent the father and son who made the brand and run the company. These characters also nod to being from New Zealand through the use of symbols like gumboots, "stubbies" and a black singlet top - the iconic Fred Dagg look.

The product! 
The liquorice was chewy and the chocolate was creamy - delicious.

What is Licorice?

Liquorice/Liquorice is a confection flavoured with the extract of the roots of the licorice plant. The essential ingredients of licorice candy are licorice extract, sugar, and a binder. The binder is typically starch/flour, gum arabic, gelatin, or a combination of any of these. Additional ingredients are extra flavouring, beeswax for a shiny surface, ammonium chloride, and molasses to give the end product the familiar black colour.

Licorice Plant
Licorice Root
Dried Licorice Root

Where Does RJ's Licorice Come From?

Looking at what makes the places where RJ's Licorice comes from unique/icons of those places:

North Dakota, USA

- American Indian tribes
- Relies on Farming/Agriculture
- Native Animals: Pheasants, Deer, Trout, Coyote, Foxes, Weasels, Bobcats, Mountain lions, 
  Racoons, Skunks, Badgers, Moose

Levin, NZ

- Maori
- Relies on Farming/Agriculture
- Native Animals: Kiwi, North Island Kakas, Kereru/Wood Pigeons, Tui, Whio/Blue Ducks, Fantails, 
  Kokako, Moreporks, Pukeko, Takahe, NZ Falcons, Tuatara, Skinks

Sunday 26 April 2015

RJ's Research: Video

A fun and informative video about how RJ's Licorice all began -

RJ's Research: Website Analysis

Quotes off of RJ's website (

"Do your mouth a favour and try RJ's Licorice today!"
"RJ's Licorice takes no responsiblity for watering mouths or licorice cravings"
"The devoted RJ's Licorice team are taking over the licorice world, one mouth-watering, soft, delectable, natural licorice log at a time."

Key Words pulled from the website:

finest ingredients
one bite 
soft, black and delicious 
one splendid mouthful
Fargo, North Dakota (where the licorice-making machinery is from)
the spiritual home of licorice - Levin, New Zealand (where RJ's liquorice is made)
the best licorice you'll ever put in your mouth
good old black stuff
wildly tasty confectionery treats
perfect flavour balance
sweet delights

Saturday 25 April 2015

RJ's Licorice

I have chosen RJ's as my brand because:

A. It only creates one type of product (licorice) so the character only has to work for that type of food
B. It's a New Zealand brand/small New Zealand company so my character will be representing something that is local
C. I can't think of any mascots for any similar products which means I won't be subconsciously affected or influenced by thoughts of them
D. Licorice is not affiliated with an animal (like other products like milk or cheese) therefore it will be easier to explore (and have viewers accept) any sort of character. This means I am free to look at a range of forms for my character such as; human males, females, and children, animals, and also more abstract concepts like fruit, chocolate etc.
E. I like the brand's products :)

Friday 24 April 2015

Researching my Top Four Brand Ideas

I decided to focus on New Zealand Brands.

Mainland Cheese

"Honouring Timeless Craftmanship.In an increasingly superficial world where everything is more and more processed and focused on “instant”, the time honoured traditions of craftsmanship and integrity are rarely seen.At Mainland, we believe that there is an art to making the finest quality product.We know that the little things make all the difference and that good things take time, which is why we never give in to the temptations to rush. Only care and attention deliver the best results.And because we never rest on the past, we are continuously in pursuit of new products perfect for today’s tastes. That’s not to say we’re in any hurry, so rest assured if it doesn’t meet our high standards, you will never see it."

Anchor Milk

"There’s a lot to love about milk - which is just as well, since we’ve been producing it for more than 125 years now. In fact, we’d happily describe ourselves as being milk obsessed as quite literally all of our time, our passion, and our expertise goes into doing one simple thing: creating the freshest, most delicious dairy products possible.
We believe in what we produce. And we think milk is packed with so much natural goodness that it should be a big part of each and every New Zealander’s life.
It’s our goal to take the message about milk to the heart of Kiwi communities. That means supporting schools, local franchises, and getting involved in the very best ways we can. We want to share our knowledge and experience, and help promote the importance of healthy, balanced eating plans for everyone."

RJ's Licorice

"RJ's Licorice is a New Zealand business started by the Halliwell family. One bite of the soft, black and delicious treat, and Roger was hooked. Such is the magic of great licorice, that one splendid mouthful became a passion to spread licorice joy to the world.
Our story is a simple one. We were a family business that decided to do one thing and do it really well. We scoured the world - well, a barn in Fargo, North Dakota - to bring the finest licorice making facilities to the spiritual home of licorice - Levin, New Zealand. With a large dose of kiwi know-how and ingenuity, we started to make the world's finest licorice.
Sticking to what we know and love has produced the best licorice you'll ever put in your mouth. Don't take our word for it. Try some and find out for yourself. And it's not just the good old black stuff, we stretch the licorice boundaries to produce some wildly tasty confectionery treats.
The devoted RJ's Licorice team are taking over the licorice world, one mouth-watering, soft, delectable, natural licorice log at a time."

Kettle Chips

"Kettle had about as humble a start as can be had.
Our founder sold natural foods from a van way back in 1978. His original vision: great taste with real, less processed foods, has been our driving ambition ever since.
Kettle has always been about real people who care about what we do. The time and attention each Kettle worker puts into our products, as each one makes its way from farms, to our kitchens, and then to your home, is care you can taste."

Brand Brainstorm

Brand types I have to choose from: Food product, beverage, sports team (mascot), or cleaning product.

Chocolate - Licorice Chocolate Twists, Cadbury, Whittakers
Chips - Copper Kettle Chips
Dip - Salsa, Kiwi (Onion) Dip
Cheese - Mainland
Milk - Anchor
Fruit Syrup - Lemon Syrup
Bundaberg - Lemon, Lime and Bitters, Ginger BeerAir Freshener
Shampoo - Sunsilk, Schwarzkopf, Dove

Lecture 1

"Brand" is the name/logo/design that makes one seller's product different than another seller's. They often use characters or symbols to help visually represent the company's spirit and target audience.

Semiotics - The study of how receivers of information receive and interpret that which is transmitted to them. These signs can be both verbal and/or visual.
N.B. Signs can mean different things to different people/cultures.

Denotation - Literal meaning (dictionary definition)
Connotation - Refers to the associations/emotional suggestions related to it


"Aim: To embody the identity/image of a product through character design.
The design of a character is a powerful tool for communicating prescribed values to an audience. Whether the character appears in illustrated stories, movies or advertising, the physical attributes and semiotic associations are used to convey abstract concepts and also elicit emotional responses from viewers. In brand design characters act as signifiers for what is signified within the brand you choose. 
You will need to select and research an existing brand. Identify the products ‘brand values’ and develop a ‘brand essence’. Develop, design and illustrate a product character or mascot that encapsulates those values and that essence.

Your character should work across multiple platforms (large/small print, animation, toys, clothing etc.) You are also required to incorporate a secondary component or supporting imagery (props, environment, vehicle etc.) in order to further characterise your mascot.

The final designs are to be created using Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, zbrush, or physical sculpting."

Holiday Work

Life Drawing