Wednesday 13 May 2015

Pascall's Product Character Precedents

For interest's sake I researched the packaging of Pascall products since the 1930's looking for all of the different characters they've used on their packaging over the lifetime of the brand. There weren't many of them, but what few there were were done in bold, bright colours and simple, vector-like styles. 
The 'Sour Patch Kids' characters are the only ones with any texturing which might be because they are the most recent (so therefore the style is evolving). The 'Minties' character is the only one that is just line work, but this makes it feel overshadowed by the colourful and eye-catching style of the Pascall logo and product graphic.
The licorice characters are similar to what I have been thinking about for my new direction for my character, so I will have to make sure that I make my designs unique in some way.

I like the bold, bright vector style of Pascall's current logo. This is the sort of style I'm thinking of producing my final character(s) in.

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